Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Need for Awareness on Health societies in India

A few members who related to a particular disease form like a group called Health Society.There is lack of awareness for these health societies in our country.They gained very much popularity in Foreign countries. These societies are formed like 'Society for Thalassemic patients', who need Blood Transfusion in every 3weeks; 'Parents' Association for Autistic Children',by the parents of children who can't respond quickly like all other normal children; 'Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Society of India ,who will slowly loss their memory.

  • About these societies.

Some of the patients and their family members and Doctors form like a society to meet regularly and to share the information . These will be non-profit organisations by them who are related to that diseases directly or indirectly.

  • Membership

The patients themselves ,their family members , Doctors ,and also who have ongoing research work on these particular diseases, and any interested persons,who want to build some confidence through their words into the patients. If there will be a possibility and if they have funds ,they build Websites and also try to setup Offices for their societies.

  • What do they do in these societies?

the members of the society will meet regularly like one day in a month at a particular pre-decided place.If some one thinks these meetings will be like..'some patient telling his bad experience about his disease,and all are going to console him', then it will be a wrong estimation. In these meetings they play jokes to cheer-up the environment ans share information. Like the mother of an Alzheimer's patient tells the details about 'how she is getting her daughter into puzzles to make her memory sharpen.and gives the details of the shops where these kind of puzzle games are sold'.

and some of Doctors prescribe medicines , give research presentations about the ongoing studies on those diseases worldwide.

These meetings help the patients to minimise their pain..and feel fresh at least for sometime to forget about their killing diseases .

In these societies ,the members themselves try to help each other for example in Thalassemic patients' society they form a blood bank by that they don't have to run and search for that particular blood group who need a blood transfusion.

  • Need for this kind of societies

There is big need for awareness for this kind of societies in our country.It will help and build confidence in patients and their family members to fight against those diseases as well to overcome their lack of knowledge .

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