Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Me and my YOGA

The bond between Yoga and me started ,since I started learning how to walk (yeah....really!!!!). In that early age only my Dad introduced it to me. I used to enjoy the various poses of Yoga in those days of my childhood.:)
My interest on Yoga increased with my growing age.
It became my habit rather routine. It became my part of life.

When ever I miss Yoga even for one day, it feels like I missed something that day. When ever I'm tensed or feel like any depression it always helped to come out with that .It always helped me to control my anger which can impact the people around me.


Especially doing Surya Namaskars (Sun salutations), it always helped me to improve my concentration. And to be fit always , every one should try Yoga, in this daily life which is filled with so many tensions ,Yoga can give tremendous results.

Looking at the benefits of Yoga:
  • Improves strength, flexibility and balance
  • Improves concentration and memory
  • Helps with mild depression and anxiety
  • reduces high blood pressure
  • Improves sleep
  • Brings about emotional stability and clarity of mind
  • Improves digestion
It will be great pleasure for me ,even one person starts doing yoga , after reading my post :)

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